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Old 01-25-2017, 04:20 PM   #55
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So what should the mayor do? Where do most of the guns in Chicago come from?

Can Trump send in the occupying force he seems to be threatening to send in? I woud assume it would have to be the Army as the National Guard prob. doesn't have enough men.
"So what should the mayor do?"

Gee, I dunno Paul.

Oh wait, yes I do. How about trying what we all know, worked like a charm, in New York City, when Guilani took over? Aggressive policing, tough strict sentences for gun offenders. But that's not the liberal way. Stop-and-frisk hurts too many people's feelings, and it's racist that so many blacks are in jail. So let's leave them alone and bury a thousand innocent black people every year, sacrificed on the altar of liberalism. If we can't abort them all out of existence, we can let them kill each other off.

Rahm Emanuel tried textbook liberalism, and I don't know a single human being who would say with a straight face that it worked, especially now that Spence isn't here.

Rudy cleaned up NYC. That cannot be denied. Why can't we say that out loud, and use his tactics as a blueprint?

"Where do most of the guns in Chicago come from?"

I presume from outside of the city. So what? All that shows, is that gun laws are impotent in the face of how many guns are currently out there. So unless you have a plan to confiscate all the guns currently out there, why would you expect go-forward gun laws to have much effect?
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