Thread: NORKS
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Old 04-25-2017, 05:22 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Lets have a little discussion. If North Korea is within a couple years of delivering nukes on ICBMs that can reach much of CONUS - what are the options?
A big problem with regimes that are run by tyrants who rule strictly by force, and whose mission is solely to maintain power, like Saddam or Assad, or Kim Jong-un, and who don't have a concern or plan for the well being of their populace, is that they will do anything to preserve that power. They cannot step down, because that will mean that their life is over. So they want nuclear capability to protect and preserve their power, and ultimately their life.

And there will probably be no reason for them not to use that nuclear power if they think that the end of their regime is threatened. The end of their life, for them, is the end of the world.

It would be nice if the North Korean Military could take Kim out. Some kind of sabotage, maybe by paying millions or billions for some inside the regime to get rid of him. China would be good at a clandestine overthrow of the Nork regime. If not . . .
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