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Old 10-04-2015, 07:46 AM   #11
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Location: Branford, CT
Posts: 156
It is an impossible task that you ask. There isn't one simple solution, if there even is one. Someone who is hell bent on doing something as outrageous as these people have done, will find a way to make their mark in history. More laws may make you feel better but will have no effect on the problems of these individuals or society as a whole.

There is a reason the 2nd amendment is only second to free speech. We keep whittling away at our constitutional rights seeking some utopia but there is none and never will be.

Fear mongers on both sides make their arguments for or against firearms, They can argue all they want, I will keep mine. They have harmed no one and are another tool in my chest that has multiple uses.

I have a pretty extensive tool chest. I have carpentry tools, electric tools, masonry tools, tile work tools, hunting tools, fishing tools, the list goes on. I have used them all to provide for my family. I haven't figured out how to get them to do anything on there own. They need to be put into action by someone.

The firearm is a tool, that can be enjoyable as well as useful but as with all tools used incorrectly can be very dangerous.

I guess my point is that the problems are much bigger than a piece of metal. The answer is most definitely not more laws.


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