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Old 07-31-2022, 06:28 PM   #40
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Homeland Security watchdog halted plan to recover Secret Service texts, records show

In early February, after learning that the Secret Service’s text messages had been erased as part of a migration to new devices, staff at Inspector General Joseph V. Cuffari’s office planned to contact all DHS agencies offering to have data specialists help retrieve messages from their phones, according to two government whistleblowers who provided reports to Congress.

But later that month, Cuffari’s office decided it would not collect or review any agency phones,

Cuffari, a former adviser to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R), has been in his post since July 2019 after being nominated by Trump.

Let me guess nothing to see here either

1st republicans tried to steal a US election

And now they are getting caught trying to cover it up. Once it failed

It’s comical the outrage spewed by Republicans over Benghazi

But this they still insist didn’t happen

Hoping after the midterms they can bury the Truth
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