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Old 03-17-2017, 11:47 AM   #104
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
It is not an exaggeration. Look at everythng w/Flynn. Now he is an foreign agent of Turkey and had gotten $ when he was in Trump's cabinet.

You're telling me that if the situation was reversed, the Rep. wouldn't be all over this?
"Breitbart just leaked a tape of Ryan saying he won't support Trump so why wouldn't he had sent the same message in an email?"

The DNC took active steps to rig the primary. Not remotely the same thing as Ryan saying he doesn't support the guy.

"So you are saying the Russians are blameless?"

Again, you are unable to respond to the question that was asked. Here is what I said at 10:20 in this thread, an exact quote...

"Yes, the hacking was wrong and should be investigated"

From that, you infer that I hold the Russians "blameless". That's easier for you to claim (despite the fact that I explicitly said the opposite of what you claim I am saying), than it is for you to admit that I am obviously right, when I say that the majority of the blame lies with the people whose unethical actions were brought to light. If you are pissed that the email leak influenced the election, you should be pissed at the DNC and Hilary for doing things that offended the voters.

When Woodward and Bernstein broke the Watergate story, Americans didn't blame 'Deep Throat' (their informant) for revealing things, and ignore Nixon's actions, for God's sake They blamed Nixon, and they were right to do so. Your party has come a long way since then, in terms of determining responsibility. And I don't see it as progress.

"You have no way of knowing (that the RNC didn't tip scales for Trump).

I know this - we don't use 'superdelegates' whose sole purpose, is to make sure that the RNC always gets the candidate they want, despite the will of the voters.

I also know this...the DNC's actions weren't going to be revealed until the Russians did it, because the American media isn't interested in digging up dirt on Democrats. The media, with the exception of Foxnews, doesn't even ask tough questions to liberals.

You are suggesting that the RNC was rigging the election for Trump? Please explain all of the powerful conservatives who spoke against him, and who actively campaigned for any of the other candidates.
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