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Old 01-16-2019, 11:11 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Apparently you, like Trump, are confused about who our allies are.
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Apparently you are confused. I said that I would go to war with China if it tried to take Taiwan by force.

You started this thread with a question. "How will trump deal with this?" Then you posed two choices, "Will he decide to throw Taiwan under the bus, that they are not worth the potential cost and concede Taiwan to China?
Or will he come to their defense and continue support of Taiwan and our other allies in Asia?"

I asked which did you think he should do?

To which you replied: "I have the worldview that if we are to maintain our position in the world we need to assist others, and that closing ourselves off will do little but ensure our eventual demise."

Which seemed vague to me, not saying specifically what should be done to "assist others" nor mentioning anything about allies. But you did mention something about a Buddhist heaven or hell with steaming bowls of rice and three foot chopsticks and feeding each other. Which didn't clarify or specify what you thought Trump should do--maybe send Taiwan and China steaming bowls of rice, or choose some Buddhist path of non-violence to persuade China against its intentions?

You did ask me "Perhaps you could choose?" Which I specifically said I would go to war with China over the matter. Which I thought would make it easier for you to give a direct, blunt answer.

Cutting to the chase and through the vague suggestions, am I to assume that you think Trump should "assist" Taiwan by using military force in answer to China's use of force? Yes, No, or the usual Perhaps, or something different and really creative that Trump and his advisors are just to dumb to think of?
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