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Old 07-19-2019, 11:50 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Ilhan Omar and the rest of the "Squad" are Freshman Representatives and as such are each, one of the 435 duly elected people in the House of whom a majority is needed to enact anything and then a majority of 100 Senators need to agree and then The President needs to agree.

The only thing I see is that Trump has gotten all his minions to somehow believe she and the rest of the "Squad" are dangerous and scary, given the vast powers they possess.

He's doing the same lying BS as the birther stuff that propelled him to where he is today.
"Was it a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I'm saying I don't know. Nobody knows."
“Well, there is a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother. I know nothing about it.”

Why would Trump say it if he or nobody knows?

Omar said junk about Trump. Trump fires back junk at her. Is that unusual? Seems like a pattern.

Yet Trump has yet to tell Bernie, an avowed socialist, to go back to where he came from. What could explain why he says that about Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, Omar, and Tlaib but not Sanders? I just can’t put my finger on it.
He has said other junk about Bernie. The connection of going back to where he came from may be harder to stick on Bernie. When you hit, aim for the weak spot.

Why do you have to make it more complicated than it is? Oh, that's right, forgot, you have to work hard to label Trump stuff that he isn't.
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