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Old 08-04-2020, 11:39 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
We really can't expect a malignant narcissist to provide any assistance to anyone other than themselves.

By the way, John Lewis did not attend George Bush's inauguration. Bush was there to eulogize Lewis.

This interview is not a SNL satire, though it certainly sounds like one.
I guess we just don't understand Tweety's critical thinking, I'm confident Detbuch will explain.

You're right. It was like a SNL interview. After I got the gist of someone trying to interview Trump as if he was a glib intellectual politician instead of the verbal mumbler that he is, I started laughing through the rest of the interview. I got a kick out of the Axios guy getting frustrated when Trump carried on about what he accomplished well beyond the intent of the question and trying to stop Trump's ramblings by saying he got it, he got it, he understood that Trump did a lot of good things (as if that would stop Trump from pointing out the good things) but somehow could Trump answer the questions.

No way was Trump going to fall into a trap of giving a bad answer, but, like normal politicians which he has either learned to be or was all along, deflected to his version of answering, which politicians, as you know, always do when being cornered with what they consider gotcha questions. One reason we don't like politicians is precisely because they so often don't give direct or even reasonable answers, but ramble on as if they are.

Even though I actually laughed at a lot of the q's and a's, I was miffed at Trump because his style, and ego are annoying. But nothing happened or was revealed in the interview to make me want to vote for Biden.

As I've said, over and over, its not About Trump or Biden for me. There is something far, far, more important than either one, something we are not discussing. And any deflection Trump makes in answering suggestive policy questions, pales to the grand deflection of making this election about him rather than the type of government that we will have depending on which party is in power.
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