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Old 12-11-2017, 10:38 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
why do you insist Bannon needs to be caught with a smoking gun in hand. to be see that his nationalism ideas promote the Racism you say isn't there? see below

from the comment section of breitbart in a story promoting Moore

So you have to go to the comment section for proof that Bannon is a racist.

Have you read comment sections on Progressive and leftist media which are vulgar, harsh, even racist? I have. Have you heard and read "comments" from those who supported Obama which were vulgar, harsh, even racist? I have. Were all those "comments" that claimed victimhood and cast all whites as racists promoted by Obama's speeches and policies? Or were all those attitudes there before Obama?

There are many on the left and on the right who harbor deep feelings against the "other side." And many of them speak with harsh language. Their rantings on "both sides" may rise from inner rage to the surface in support of their leaders and be expressed in ways not actually related to the rhetoric they hear. Yet those who are more normal in temperament and reason hear the same message from those leaders and sound reasonable and rational when they "comment" because they actually understand what they hear. This is like the problem of personal "interpretation" which I said was destructive of the Constitution when the interpretation doesn't match the actual text and the meanings of the words in that text. That interpretation based on personal bias rather than on the actual text or words of a speaker leads to wrong and destructive behavior or mistaken and idiotic comments. Should we then not speak or write constitutions because some will misinterpret them?

BTW, in reading the "comment" by the Breitbart reader that you posted, I don't see any actual racism. But that's, again, the leftist ploy of calling something racist in order to make it sound not only "deplorable" but evil and illegal. Are you seeing racism because that is what you want to see? Are you commenting with some inner bias rather than on the actual text?

none of the above are based on Facts Bannon does not operate on facts.. they wont work on his audience . So he promotes A primary emphasis on promotion of culture... White christian culture
It was an opinionated "comment" not an argument--quite similar in nature to your post. Your "comment" in the post is not based on facts. It's just your opinion. There are many of us who hear what Bannon actually says, as opposed to those who try to frame what he says as racist, sexist, supremacist, blah, blah, blah, and we aren't influenced by his words to become racist or the other blah, blah's.

And we read and hear him, as in the video I posted, promoting an American culture based on capitalist policies which he refers to as economic nationalism, and which are based on legal citizenship rather than on identity politics.

Bannon's economic nationalism doesn't promote racism in rational minds. That's why he is trying to speak to Black, and Hispanic, and Asian American businessmen.

I am not in total agreement with Bannon's economic nationalism, but not because it is racist. It is not racist. I haven't seen evidence that Bannon is racist.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-11-2017 at 04:06 PM..
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