Thread: Voting question
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Old 01-16-2010, 07:40 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Americans are entitled a vote based on citizenship according to law, but there's no law that required a state or federal ID. Some would argue the requirement of a license, which can require money to acquire, could prove a disincentive or barrier to the poor.

Citizens are entitled by law to vote, but it is not illegal for states to require proof of citizenship. Nor is it illegal to require proof of residence. That "some would argue" that it might require money to acquire some form of proof, is irrelevant. No matter how poor a citizen may be, it requires money for that citizen to do just about anything. Many, if not most of those things, would require more money than to get some form of ID. I'm sure ACORN would be willing to give needy poor folks the money to acquire ID. Certainly, ID would be more useful and important for most supposedly poor U.S. citizens than much, if not most, of what supposedly poor people in this country spend their money on. And if it isn't, "some would argue" that they are not that fervently interested in voting.
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