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Old 10-09-2018, 01:09 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Lindsay Graham stands up to liberals once in his career, one time, and all of a sudden he's the new Roy Cohn? You people need to re-calibrate. Graham was from the John McCain and Susan Collins wing of the Republican party, Republican senators whose mission was to be the favorite Republican of the New York Times. I can't believe it took him this long to see that he's always the one reaching across the aisle, never the democrats.

Graham said a couple of nights ago, that he has never is his career, campaigned for a Republican senate challenger who was going against an incumbent Democrat senator. Not once in his career has he tried to help a Republican in any state, un-seat a sitting democrat senator. He said that will change this year.

The democrats made their most staunch ally in the GOP, turn against them. Maybe the bump this gets them in the midterm was worth it. Maybe this was a huge blunder for them. We'll soon see.

Lindsay Graham is Roy Cohn!!
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