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Old 01-22-2018, 06:24 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Interesting premise.
I do think there will always be some jobs.
Will The Time Machine become reality?
So what's you're take? I used to think about such worlds which would house us totally underground or somewhere above ground and leave the face of the earth to be a pristine playground/agricultural paradise for our enjoyment and pleasure. But those were younger less intellectually developed times in my life. I think a lot differently now.

The notion of a world without work goes back further than your article traces it. Think of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. It seems we messed that paradise up by trying to get smart. Perhaps, too smart for our britches. But now, the heck with it. Let's use the smarts that got us kicked out of the garden to create a technology that let's us get back in.

Lots of unresolved questions, however. Room for lot's of discussion.

How about you? Do you like the idea?
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