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Old 05-21-2020, 08:09 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
50% of the state of Connecticut deaths are in nursing homes. But jims upset that Cuomo gets higher marks for his handling of yhis crisis than Trump..

Yet is silent on Trumps excuses and perpetual blame game..

Now hes is once again spreading. Conspiracys about people suggesting they got away with murder while echoing his pals like stone and flynn got miss treated..

But i guess it. Acceptable For The POTUS to accuses other Americans and former President of Crimes.. but Cuomo bad for telling the Truth about deaths , cuz Trump waited months before he did a thing..

Taiwan has had less then 4 covid 19 deaths . Why do you think that is?
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"50% of the state of Connecticut deaths are in nursing homes"

CT is not unique in that regard, a huge % of the nationwide deaths are in nursing homes. The reason, is that the elderly are particularly vulnerable to this virus. Which is precisely why it's next-generation stupid to put sick people in a nursing home if hospital beds are available. You proved my point, not refuted it, by pointing out that many deaths are in nursing homes.

"is silent on Trumps excuses and perpetual blame game..'

That's just a lie. When small-minded people cannot respond to what is actually said, they respond to something that was never said. I have never defended Trumps antics, his vindictiveness, nor his refusal to accept responsibility for mistakes. Unlike you, my disdain for these traits is genuine not political. It is YOU who never stop defending the politicians who you happen to vote for. Are you ever critical of Bidens treatment of women? Or do you always defend it? I voted for Trump, but I have no problem admitting his many, many personal faults. It's you who can't do that for politicians on your side. Stop lying.

"but Cuomo bad for telling the Truth about deaths "

What "truth" did Cuomo tell, exactly? What are you referring to?

"Trump waited months before he did a thing.."

Another demonstrably false lie. He restricted travel from China, and democrats and media pundits (including Biden) said it was an overreaction, that the virus wasn't serious enough to justify that. Biden said that the travel ban was fear mongering and bigoted.

Which necessarily means that Biden wouldn't have restricted travel to the US. He didn't think the virus justified anything more. So please tell me, why any sane person should believe that we'd be better off right now, if Biden was POTUS?

WDMSO, who was saying at the time, that we needed to do more? Not Biden - he said Trumps travel restrictions were not necessary. Not the New York Times or the Washington Post, who went on and on and on about how the virus was less serious than the flu. Not Nancy Pelosi, who in late February was encouraging her constituents to go out in public. So who?
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