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Old 03-02-2012, 08:17 PM   #212
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
I say that your silly, biased article has sales #'s that are less than half of what actual sales were at the end of the calendar year, never mind what they will be for the model year. So you get "crappy" from some moron who says "crummy," but does not speak at all about the technology, reliability, or performance of the car? As far as the rest of the "crap", new technology always costs much more to produce initially. Over time, the actual cost associated with it drop as well as the total cost of the investments. I see the Hannity type simpletons use the same stupid math game to say each volt costs $250,000. Yeah, if they only sold them for one year and never again.

"has sales #'s that are less than half of what actual sales were at the end of the calendar year"

That's interesting. All of a sudden you sound like a data expert. If that's true, I can only imagine why you compared 3 years of Obama debt to 8 years of Bush debt. Now that's a real head-scratcher...

Let me ask you this, Zimmy. Is NBC biased against green energy? Because here's an article from MSNBC, an affiliate of NBC, which is very liberal...

News Headlines

Some key quotes...

"With sales lagging and inventories building, GM has decided to idle production of the Chevy Volt for five weeks. During that time, about 1,300 workers will temporarily be laid off."

"so far, Volt demand has fallen well short of original expectations. "

"when GM launched the Volt, it boldly targeted sales of 10,000 in 2011 and 60,000 in 2012. Last year, GM sold 7,671 "

OK. so even with a federal rebate of $7500, they still missed sales numbers by almost 25%, and now they need to lay production workers off. I'm sure Warren Buffet is dying to get a piece of this action.

Zimmy, when they make an electric car for $20,000 that performs the way a family needs it to perform, I'll be first in line. When massive federal subsidies can't convince people to buy this thing, that's called a flop. I'm not saying I like that. I'm just saying what it is.

"does not speak at all about the technology, reliability, or performance of the car?"

You keep talking about the performance of the car. This article, like the last one I posted, mentioned the as-yet unexplained battery fires, here's a quote...

"Then the controversy and investigation into Volt battery fires left a cloud hanging over the electric car. "

Zimmy, from where are you getting your info that this car has awesome performance? If i'm plunking down $40,000 for a car, I don't want to have to stop every 10 miles to plug it in for 12 hours, and on top of that, during those brief drives between re-charging, I have to remember to wrap my newborn in a fire blanket so he doesn't get burned to death? yeah, I'll go down and get mine tomorrow.

People don't want the car, Zimmy. If the car performed well, why don't people want it? Does everyone in America work for big oil, and that's why they won't buy it? For $40,000, you can get a big, comfy sedan, that actually has the high performance you're referring to.

I guess NBC gets its talking points from Shell Oil?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 03-02-2012 at 08:24 PM..
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