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Old 08-20-2015, 07:35 AM   #93
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
When uncle touch too much knocks up his 14 year old niece, there should be a right to choose. When you know you have a baby with horrible birth defects, there should be a right to choose. When a girl is gang raped after someone slipped her a roofie at the frat house, there should be a right to choose.
Its really quite simple.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Again, in that scenario, abortion was laways legal. Most pro-lifers would be thrilled to pass a law keeping abortion legal in the cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mom is in jeopardy.

"When you know you have a baby with horrible birth defects, there should be a right to choose"

And who gets to decide when a human being is sufficiently perfect to be granted life, and who isn't? And if that's the barometer we use, what about kids who become "defected" after they are born, why can't we kill them then?

You are focusing on the exceptions to the rule. How about the much more common scenario, where a healthy woman chooses to have sex with someone, gets pregnant, and simply doesn't want to deal with the aggravations of being pregnant? In your opinion, should that be legal, or not? Because if you say that shouldn't be legal, I have news for you - you agree with the majority of conservatives on this issue.
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