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Old 12-27-2017, 11:35 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
When the fed gubment cuts back on money to the states and the states cut back on funding to towns, the towns will play the Shell game and use the tax apraisor to magically tell you that your 300k house is now worth 400k. Local governments will also look to any other way to suck you dry.
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How about the fed not taking the lion's share of tax money out of the states in the first place. The situation that we are in now where states have to depend on getting money back that was taken from them in the first place by the federal government is ass-backwards. The federal government shouldn't be so heavily involved in state finances and state taxation.

It shouldn't be doing those things that were meant, constitutionally, for the states to do. Divesting itself from those responsibilities would tremendously lower its need to tax us and could leave the states to fend for themselves by structuring their own tax system to suit their resources.

Which would give the citizens of those states a much greater motivation and voice in shaping their tax structures. When they could no longer depend on the central government giving them tax breaks to compensate for their high state taxes, they would demand that their state taxes get lowered.
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