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Old 02-19-2013, 11:17 AM   #46
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
My emotions say, that if it had been Obama had drank the water, Fox News would have changed their logo to a gif of it on a continuous loop....
Your emotions would be 100% wrong. Hannity might use that image to mock the President. I don't think anyone else would. Your 'emotions' have apparently convinced you that Foxnews is the right-wing equivalent of MSNBC. Not even close. Foxnews isn't even as radical as CNN (Hannity being the exception), let alone MSNBC.

Obama has legitimately and honestly made an idiot out of himself so many times, his critics don't have to invent buffoonery where it doesn't exist.

Obama can say that there are 57 states in the US, and that doesn't say anything about him. Obama insults special olympians on national TV (saying he was so bad at bowling, he looked like one of those special olympians), and that doesn't say anything about him. Obama has several close friends who clearly hate this country, and that doesn't say anything about him. Obama supported infanticide as a state senator, and he gets a pass. Obama adds $5 trillion to our debt, with a net gain of almost zero jobs and a huge drop in median wages, and he's not held accountable. But Rubio awkwardly reaches for a bottle of water, and that says somethiing about his qualifications?
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