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Old 04-28-2015, 02:29 PM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Jim. Their points are 100% valid. If you were black and grew up in the slums of Baltimore, I am certain you would have a different perspective. I'm not defending these thugs, but let's break down what makes a thug grow up to be a thug...
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"let's break down what makes a thug grow up to be a thug"

OK, let's do that. Does the fact that lots of affluent white people live in Greenwich, CT, or own homes on Nantucket, "make a thug grow up to be a thug"?

Of course not.

So what makes a thug? Any honest answer wqould include poverty, but that's not the big factor. The big factor is the lack of a stable, loving, supportive home. It's better to be poor and part of a strong family (which was me) than wealthy in a dysfunctional family.


So what causes dydfunctional families? Liberals hate this answer. And the answer is, in many cases, stupid choices, influenced by destructive outside forces. We have liberal policies that give young girls a financial incentive to have kids while not married. So, shocker, more black girls have babies while not married. we have an entertainment industry that specifically targets these kids born to broken homes, and instead of glorifying the required habits to get out of poverty (hard work, stay in school, be respectful, don't get in trouble, god forbid get to church), it emphasizes the exact opposite, the rap culture.

It's ironic. The tea party is labeled racist (just ask Paul S), but if urban blacks abandoned their current values and embraced what the Tea Party is selling, presto! The cycle of poverty is broken.

I get that people in hopeless situations will lash out. And I get that for many stuck in that cycle of poverty, they just got unlucky in terms of what family they were born into. And I was jackpot lucky to have the best parents who ever lived - I didn't deserve them, I just got lucky. But it's not my fault those kids do drugs and drop out of high school, it's primarily the fault of their parents.

Every single rational person knows that if you stay in school and work hard, you can make it. Knowing that, I don't see how anyone can have children and not force them down that path. It's unfathomable to me.

Chalk it up to the complete destruction of the black nuclear family. And the late liberal Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan (senator from New York), correctly predicted in the 1970s that welfare was going to destroy the black nuclear family. Black culture, if you want to even call it that, is unbelievably destructive. It glorifies all the wrong things, while kids in the ghetto that do well in school, are picked on.

It's awful. And I did exactly NOTHING to cause it. And what do liberals propose? Enacting the same exact policies that caused this mess. I wonder sometimes if it's intentional, if the democrat power brokers are hell-bent on destroying black life, because you have to be really dense to see that liberal policies aren't helping. Big cities (Hartford, Bridgeport, Chicago) are dominated by Democrats. Can anyone say with a straight face that blacks are better off in those places today, than they were 50 years ago? So why do we keep electing the saame idiots every November?
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