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Old 11-23-2021, 06:56 PM   #123
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
in spenceworld the most ludicrous things are possible....he's like willy wonka for leftists
This party is disintegrating before our eyes. The nation sees gas prices, inflation, crime, open borders, liberals lying about a 17 year old kid in am attempt to literally ruin his life for political gain, liberals making EVERYTHING about race, liberal prosecutors giving $1,000 bail to a guy who ran over his girlfriend so he can subsequently kill 6 people including a child, the Afghanistan exit, democrats unable to do anything despite controlling the entire federal government, liberals more concerned about how we label "looting" than they are concerned with stopping it, liberals attacking police, liberals telling white kids they should feel guilty, liberals telling parents they aren't qualified to have a say in the education of their children, a liberal president with obvious dementia and a liberal vice president who is an obvious moron even by "Sweathog" standards.

If the woke progressives keep this up, we can get Sean Hannity elected mayor of San Francisco next year.

Who is advising the people who run this party? Aside from Bill Maher and James Carville, I don't think any of them see they have a problem. Clueless.
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