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Old 08-01-2016, 01:33 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
You guys dont stop do you> How many of theses Hillary outrages have you been trying to Make real from Whitewater to Benghazi to the Bill Clinton’s foundation was actually established in 1997

1 the GOP has never been able to prove anything

2 Show any criminal activity

Because if they are as corrupt as the GOP and their supporters say they are .. then Hilliary and Bill are superheroes or are wizards wiping aways all there illegal activities .. as the march thru history . or the GOP are just that Dumb
We can prove that she has lied on multiple occasions (sniper fire, GOP framing Bill to make it appear as though he cheated).

Most people feel that Benghazi was not handled well (Ambassadors request for extra security was denied).

The FBI concluded that she was extremely careless with sensitive information.

Is any of that criminal? Nope. Does it all amount to nothing? For you and Spence yes, not for many others.

When you and Spence refuse to look for any flaws, you won't find any.
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