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Old 09-22-2016, 10:03 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I don't recall claiming anyone doing the posting was racist. I don't normally make those broad leaps.

Now Jim is another issue. He sees something he doesn't like, it is somehow always the Liberal's fault.
"I don't normally make those broad leaps."

Well, you took home the gold when you said racism was a pre-requisite to embrace conservatism.

Is there anything you can point to, to support that?

"He sees something he doesn't like, it is somehow always the Liberal's fault"

Not always, Paul. But when they are in charge, and results are horrible, is it unfair if I look for a connection? Especially when the vast majority of the places they control, are in lousy economic shape, and moral shape too?

Who is rioting in NC right now, and why? Is the Tea Party burning and looting? Or is it blacks, who have been told by liberals for years that all of their suffering is because of the white power structure?

Hilary is calling for police reform. The problem is, the vast majority of the problem isn't with the police, it's with the black communities they serve. But Hilary will not say that out loud, because it doesn't help her win the election, and that's all that matters.
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