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Old 02-24-2011, 08:50 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
Jim, get over it. Have you ever given back a pay raise or told your employer not to give you one? It is never ever going to change. A city councilor looks at how many city employees there are, lets use the figure of 1,000 employees, that's the potential of maybe getting that many votes to get re-elected.

Everybody deserves a cost of living raise regardless if you are a public servant or in the private sector. Does your city fathers have to give into the union wanting a fith week of paid vacation, five more sick days, five more personal days? NO.

My city has done well negotiating with the police department for a three year contract. All they got was a three year pay increase, 1.5% starting 2011, 2% in 2012 and 1.5% in 2013.

Maybe you should sell your property in that city and move to a city or town that has a lower tax rate. I pay 11.50 per thousand, the town next to me pays 13.00 per thou and four towns away pays 15.00 per thou. I'm not happy paying the 11.50 but looking at what other cities and towns pay I should smile.
"Have you ever given back a pay raise "

No. But when I get a raise in the private sector, I have to make my customers WANT to absorb that cost. In the public sector, when they want a raise, they just take it, with force of law. There's a wee bit of difference there, and the public is starting to wake up to it.

"It is never ever going to change"

The people in Wisconsin would disagree with you. And the fact that every state is about bankrupt tells me that change, big change, is coming.

"Everybody deserves a cost of living raise regardless if you are a public servant or in the private sector"

I take it you have never owned your own business. Because if an employee isn't pulling his weight, or if a business is struggling, not everyone can get a raise. If the money isn't there, you can't spend it. I guess that's too complex for you.

Same thing goes for public workers. When the taxpayers have less wealth to fork over, it seems rational to me that the govt should find a way to spend less.

"All they got was a three year pay increase"

IRRELEVENT. It's not about pay, that's simply a smokescreen, that's all that is. The fat that must be trimmed is in the benefits...pensions and healthcare costs.

"Maybe you should sell your property in that city and move to a city "

Maybe. But maybe the town and state I live in can try to live in the real world before I'm forced out.

Fly Rod, what about my post here? What do you think about a cop telling the citizens to arm themselves?
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