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Old 11-01-2013, 11:07 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That is exactly the point of adverse selection and why the HCB has an individual mandate.

Well, the Administration made public the fact that many would see a change back in was reported by FOX News.

I don't think it's dishonesty but rather over-simplification, he's speaking to the vast majority versus the minority. The topic is complex enough...

While some of the minimum coverage provisions may go over the line (should a 70 year old woman have to pay for birth control?) a lot of the inexpensive individual plans really didn't provide very much. Even those for catastrophic situations tend to have high deductibles and low limits.

In economic terms I'd be willing to wager that those plans look closer to uninsured than those with real coverage.

If this is a real problem or not ultimately will come down to the individual States to run effective exchanges.

"Well, the Administration made public the fact that many would see a change back in 2010"

Do you have any further info on that? I'm not being a smart-azz, just wondering. Because I keep seeing video footage of Obama saying with zero ambiguity, that if you like your plan, you can keep it - "peeriod". He aded the word "period" at the end on multiple occasions, and you and I both know what he was trying to convey there. He might as well have said "read my lips".

"I don't think it's dishonesty but rather over-simplification, he's speaking to the vast majority versus the minority. The topic is complex enough..."

I'd say you are being a bit too kind. There is an administration memo, dated in 2010, that said that 40% - 70% of those on individual plans, would lose current coverage. That's not remotely similar to anything I have heard Obama say in public. That memo, seems to suggest that Obama had to know that what he was saying in order to sell the law to the public, was not remotely true.

You call it a small oversight. It's millions and millions of Americans who will br required to pay a lot more (for more coverage, to be fair). We'll see in the coming months if Americans are as forgiving as you of Obama's "over simplification" of the impact.

Personally, I think this will clobber the Democrats in 2014. But I was 100% wrong on what I thought would happen in 2008.

Also Spence, what about the fact that Obama said the "average" family would save $2500 a year? Whose premiums are decreasing by that much? And for similar coverage?? I'm not heariing about reductions across the board...
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