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Old 04-13-2012, 10:41 AM   #49
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I love it, the finance industry rigs the system to extract billions from the market and the blame is ALWAYS on the individual.

I've come to the realization you don't read a single thing that runs counter to your opinion. Not that you don't agree with it, you don't even want to expose yourself to it.

"the finance industry rigs the system to extract billions from the market "

How did they do that, exactly? Did they "extract billions" by hacking into people's accounts and taking their money?

"you don't read a single thing that runs counter to your opinion. Not that you don't agree with it, you don't even want to expose yourself to it."

Spence, if I didn't read your opinions, I wouldn't be in a position to destroy them so thoroughly.

Spence, you say the banks "extracted" that money, as if the borrowers had no say in the transaction. That's absurd.

"the blame is ALWAYS on the individual."

If someone gets robbed at gunpoint, I don't blame the individual. If someone voluntarily chooses to assume a mortgage that they cannot repay, that's their problem, not my problem.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It sure must be nice to be in a group that gets anointed with "victim" status by liberals. When one is so anointed, liberals will tell you that nothing is ever your fault, and that you have zero responsibility or accountability. What a way to coast through life.

Spence, if someone cannot afford a 3,000 sf house, the answer is to move them into a house they can afford. The answer is not for Obama to artificially lower the price that the house sells for.
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