Thread: CIA and torture
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Old 12-17-2014, 10:26 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by justplugit View Post
Great read and comment on Bennett's speech, Detbuch.
Last night Dr. Mitchell said the reason he took the job with the CIA and it's interrogation program was after seeing people falling from the trade center and the "sheepdog's" from Flight 93 heroism. He was willing to give up his life for his country. Now without even being interviewed by the Dem sheep in their report tey are on their high and mighty Political "morality condemning him.
I wonder what these sheep would be saying if we had had another 9/11 hit?

Meantime the sheep are out protesting against the very "sheep dogs" that put their lives on the line for the protection of all our lives.
I apologize for misattributing the speech to Bennet. It was actually a speech by LTC(RET) Dave Grossman, RANGER, Ph.D., author of “On Killing.” He quoted part of Bennet's 1997 speech in the introduction to his. Both the Bennet quote and Grossman's speech were inspiring. The kind of words that speak of high things, duties, and honor which evoke tears of pride and feelings that transcend the ad hoc functionalism of our present governmental regulatory state. They're the kind of speeches that are lacking in current political addresses. If one wonders why the political division of our time expresses so much confusion and distrust of government by the people, I would say that much of our rejection of politicians, no matter how much good they intend to do for us, is that they don't inspire us beyond grubbing for handouts.

It is no inspiration to be told we need because we are not capable. It is no inspiration to be told, in effect, that we are the servants of beneficent masters who will see to our every need. And it is no inspiration toward charity by those who have if the warm personal feelings of giving are no longer needed. Those feelings are dampened by a confiscatory state which transforms "charity" into routine and compulsory transfers to those who expect them not as gifts, but as government granted "rights".

It is no inspiration to realize that we don't have inalienable rights to our life, our liberty, our property, and not even to our pursuit of happiness. These, we are told, are not granted by some higher power, not even by dint of our own efforts. These are granted and administered by government. In a collective hive ruled from the top down by surrogate queen bees morphed into politicians and their corporate cronies.

Our "modern" collectivized, planned, administrated life is intentionally made soulless. Inspiration is a problem to those who govern us. It creates too much feeling of pesky individualism. We are charmed, instead, into brief stimulations of pleasure by a varied and massive entertainment industry (most of which cow tows, like the rest of industry, to the State's desires), and are comforted with the notion that we will be protected from the desolations of want and hunger. We must not even be too concerned with providing for our own safety. The state will protect us . . . in all things. At least, we are promised all of this. Embedded in this cocoon of comfort and safety spun around us by our superior intellectual experts, the sheep's warm and fuzzy is not only made uncomfortable by hostilities or violence of any kind, the sheep see the warrior class propensity as an unnecessary danger to their tidy order.

So the notion of a warrior class, inspired by high ideals of honor and sacrifice, wanes and rises in direct relation to present danger. Right after 9/11 the sheepdogs were given high praise and honored as heroes. But later, after the danger had ebbed, and things seemed under control, so too did ebb respect for the sheepdogs. When the wolf was at the door, the sheepdogs' fangs were welcome. After the sheepdogs had sufficiently shooed away the wolves, their fangs seemed too brutal, not nice enough for our more "civilized" and comfortable dispositions.

The sheepdogs had to be defanged . . . at least until the wolves were at the door again.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-17-2014 at 12:00 PM..
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