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Old 02-12-2014, 09:47 AM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by TheSpecialist View Post
Yup, the Democrats are worried more that female CEO's are not paid as much as their male counterparts than whether or not poor people make move up the ladder. Without poor people Dems have no base. Obama's Executive order to raise the minimum wage on government jobs isn't helping people that work at the Walmarts, McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts in this country. He doesn't give a rats ass about them.

All he cares about is hooking up illegals anyway he can, and playing golf. He is an idiot.
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You bring up a good point, something I think about often...the liberal solution to poverty is to give these people a little bit of money - enough to keep them alive, but not the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

All of the available empirical evidence suggests that this does not work, and in the case of the extinction of the black family, you can make a very compelling case that these cash payments actually make things worse, by providing a financial incentive for self-destructive bahavior (unwed teemage moms qualify for more welfare than married teenage moms, so teenage moms elect not to get married).

Do the liberals know this is the effect of their policies? Is it the intended effect? Or do they not bother to see the havoc they have wrought?

It's like Social Security and Medicare...any honest person who took 5th grade arithmetic knows that those plans are not sustainable. Yet when Paul Ryan says that out loud, liberals make a commercial of him pushing an old lady off a cliff. Do the liberals really believe that Ryan actually wants to hurt old people and poor people? Do liberals really believe that entitlement programs are not headed for disaster?

It's hard to know what they think, because when you bring these things up, they yell at you for being a racist, sexist, intolerant, anti-immigration, homophobic hate monger who is waginbg war on women.
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