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Old 01-19-2020, 01:44 PM   #114
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Thanks for making my point

it's a distraction for the base waiting for the next tweet so they can say he owed the libs

JIM trump is playing the base , and only the base thinks it's the other way around

That's how cults work
you completely missed the point, because you only listen
to people who also miss the point.

Trump tweets, and the democrats respond in a way that brings out the worst and most stupid in them. people in the middle of the country, who are not Trumplicans but who decide elections, see the liberals
defending ms13 and this Soleimani guy, and some are turned off by that.

Trump isn’t manipulating his base. He’s manipulating liberals, into acting like foaming-at-the mouth lunatics.

Both sides have their solid base. The folks in the middle decide the election. they aren’t infatuated with trump. but they don’t like open borders or 9th month abortions, they like whats happening with their 401ks, and they don’t like watching the democratic candidates trying to out-left each other.

you don’t get it. he’s been following the same exact playbook since he announced he’s running, and you still don’t get it. it took me awhile
to figure it out, but it didn’t take me
5 years.

I cannot stand the guy. But I cannot help but be amazed at his
ability to get democrats to willingly shoot them selves in the face.

does anyone in the left, anyone at all, talk about policy ideas anymore? or only about orange man bad?
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