Thread: Let's start
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Old 12-05-2018, 10:39 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Wow funny they didn't cover the real guy in the SS uniform you got SMOKING GUN NOT NICE TRY.. so you in the nazi collaborator camp. of course you are
They did cover it, said that it was wrong. I didn't try anything. I'm not in the camp. I don't care if he collaborated or not. I don't care about your definition of collaboration. I don't care about his excuses of being 14 or if he didn't do it someone else would. I don't care that there were many Jews that collaborated or cooperated with the NAZIs in order to save their lives. I don't care that Jews hunted out these turncoats later and prosecuted them.

I posted the video because Spence kept telling Jim to "read the Snopes." While, at the same time, Spence was trying to demonize the Koch brothers with the overused and inaccurate dog whistle accusation of being "radical." That was the con job that I thought was hypocritical--that Soros is not, as Jim suggests, the counterbalance to the Koch brothers, rather Soros is Justified, the Koch bros. are not.

Spence likes to accuse Trump of being a con artist. Spence is a slick con artist. But that's OK. Because Spence has class.
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