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Old 01-06-2016, 06:24 AM   #55
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A lot of what I've read in this thread hits close to home. My wife admitted herself to detox for alcohol (lockdown, random urine and blood tests, the whole nine yards) for two weeks, followed by four weeks outpatient. Getting the booze out of the house and substituting O'doules for the real thing when I need a taste of hops and barley was no problem. Right after outpatient ended and on schedule each evening I noticed she'd disappear into the bedroom and I'd smell a scented candle and air freshener and it didn't take long to figure out she was smoking pot (so far, that's the routine so I just monitor and don't say a word). She smoked recreationally but not regularly prior to that and I know she gets it from her niece, who thinks she's earned a doctor of cannabis degree and knows more than the real doctors (again, right now I monitor and keep my mouth shut, but that she listens really pisses me off). I do worry that as she's weaning herself off the drugs prescribed for detox there's the chance she may want something more to fill the void. We'll see. What is more concerning is that when she's obviously "smoked" she doesn't realize it changes her such that she'll bite the head off anyone who doesn't agree with her about something or doesn't say how high when she says jump. Also very obvious she has difficulty focusing on one thing and jumps from task to task often never finishing any. Since I'm currently on hiatus from the work world I have the time to keep an eye on her and find excuses to ride along when she's off from work and needs to run errands (that part is actually making us closer). But it is a bit of a quandary, when you're basically spying on your wife, in limbo just waiting to see if there's a "what next" in my future. Not sure if I ever count on her having it under control or if or when I should confront her, of if I just say "live and let live" and go fishing. But the Cape Heroin show and you guys sure have given me a lot to think about. It's a lovely world we live in!
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