Thread: Apple Inc
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Old 01-21-2018, 02:52 PM   #77
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Again you assume this Tax cut is going to help those at the bottom overnight where the 8 year recover has clearly helped those at the top disproportionately to those on the bottom ..

and your Tax cut has done the same over night...clearly helped those at the top disproportionately to those on the bottom .. the tax cut they changed the rules for so it would pass ..or the only way it would pass with less than 60 votes 51-48 Vote unlike ACA you use alot but which passed with in the rules 60-39
But you seem to avoid this truth with great effort

but will champion the stock market today but before Trump took office it didnt count just like the unemployment numbers or job growth numbers which were labeled as fake .. but Magically under Trump and republicans Now they count and mean something

Only 44 percent of private sector workers participate in a defined contribution plan.

why do you think that Why Americans saving so little for retirement? There are a few reasons:

-They simply are too broke to save

-The stock market has turned into a wild casino

-Many options within 401ks are loaded with wild expenses that eat away at your returns

-Lack of financial literacy
"Again you assume this Tax cut is going to help those at the bottom overnight"

No I do not assume that, it's based on empirical evidence of companies announcing raises, bonuses, new jobs. I give Obama credit for helping the economy. But not once did the Democrats do anything that incentivized companies to reward rank-and-file employees in this fashion.

"your Tax cut has done the same over night...clearly helped those at the top disproportionately to those on the bottom"

When the economy grows, those at the top benefit more. You think that didn't happen when the stock market shot up during the Obama years? Or is income inequality only bad when the president is a republican?

"will champion the stock market today but before Trump took office it didnt count"

I always give Obama some credit for the stock market increase. Can you tell me if that helped the rich disproportionately?

"Only 44 percent of private sector workers participate in a defined contribution plan."

Because pensions are not viable or realistic. The reason the exist in the public sector is that you can just take my money with force of law. In the private sector, you have to make me choose to give you my money, and consumers want a low price, they aren't willing to pay exorbitant prices to companies that give pensions. You don't look for low prices?
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