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Old 10-28-2019, 11:34 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
it’s ok when obama
pats himself on the back, but unbefitting a potus when trump does it.
The idea that Trump's insulting, fighting language would be an incentive to recruit more ISIS fighters is just propaganda to turn a positive for him into a negative. Just as the left will do, and has done, with every thing that would bolster Trump's approval numbers. The whole impeachment nonsense is for that very purpose. And anything and everything else that can bring his numbers down or keep them from going up can hopefully persuade some more Repub Senators, than the few on board now, to convict in the Senate impeachment trial.

If Trump had said what the Wapo originally said--that Bhagdadi was an austere religious scholar who died, would that have softened the ISIS remnant's desire to quit and be nice. Would they have, because Trump said nice things, decided to be less brutal and less motivated to continue what Baghdadi started? Hell no.

They could care less about any show of "civility." If anything, it would be a sign of weakness. They don't respect that. Their whole MO is based on fear. Power and the fear it evokes is the "language" they respect. They have never required insults against them to give them motivation. What would help them get new recruits is the image that they are powerful, and have the backing of Allah. Doing the will of Allah. Characterizing their leader as being killed in disgrace, dying like a cowardly whining dog would not be an attractive pull for a potential recruit. It would not be an attractive sign of successful power, or of the leader and his movement being sanctioned and protected by their God.

But Spence and the anti-Trumpers on the forum will gladly parrot the propaganda talking point to maintain their narrative of Trump being the ignorant, stupid, danger to "our Democracy."
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