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Old 03-20-2019, 05:50 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Why has Trump been repeatedly disparaging a dead war hero all week?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Could it be that if asked he answers honestly? Could it be that the war hero was a traitor to his vow to get rid of Obama care? Could it be that McCain was instrumental in promoting the unverified and salacious Steele Dossier which was used to make possible the Mueller investigation which has been a pain in the neck to his administration? Could it be that McCain was part of the never Trump Republicans who even now are making it more difficult for the Trump administration? Could it be that even though McCain is dead, his anti-Trump legacy is still alive and kicking within the anti-Trump campaign? Could it be that the McCain war hero legacy is overshadowed by his vindictive anti-Trump personal agenda? That he left this earthly vale as a small minded, self-serving, bitter and spiteful crank that served his venom rather than his duty and honor simply out of hate for Trump? That the truth is larger than an old myth? And that the anti Trump narrative that he left behind still lives and lingers in the minds of folks like you who use it to keep bashing Trump?

And that Trump is, as TDF says, an azzhole?

Could be all of the above and more. Why do you care? Does it make you want to vomit?
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