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Old 02-09-2023, 09:06 AM   #132
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
your party is a disease and have been since Trump ..
But your brain isn't broke.

Your party's house of representatives had 1 person out of 200+, think that babies born alive are human beings.

Your party sees no downside to men being in a bathroom with little girls, or with male prisoners saying "I am female" and being moved to a women's prison.

Your party says the border is secure.

Your party says the police are what's wrong with American cities.

Your party's senate majority leader called for violence against 2 specific SCOTUS justices because he didn't like the way they decided a case.

These are core tenants of your party. I'm not pointing to one crazy extremist jerk, though yoru side has plenty of those (Ihan Omar, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren...)

I can't stand Trump. But he's the only republican in the country who could have beaten Hilary, he re-shaped the Supreme Court for a generation. And he made you, and many others, crazy.

Unfortunately, at this point Trump is doing more harm than good for the GOP (wasn't always the case, but it is now). After 2024, he'll be in the rear view mirror and you'll need another lightning rod to distract attention away from your side's unpopular policies.

My side is led by a very unpopular person. Your side embraces policies that Americans don't like. Polls show that both of those things are true. One of those things will fix itself in 2 years. One won't.
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