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Old 09-24-2018, 11:13 AM   #52
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You have two accusers now and Michael Avenatti claiming to have people stating much worse.

One of Kavanaugh’s good friends tries to pin it on another classmate potentially creating a defamation case.

This is a mess. Time for a mulligan.
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You still, after 2 years, have no idea who's in the Oval Office. I mean if real evidence is presented, that's one thing. But Trump isn't going to want to withdraw his nominee, based on allegations that have zero supporting evidence, and a fair amount of contradictory evidence.

If an unsubstantiated allegation is enough to disqualify someone, then no one will ever get confirmed. The minority party, especially if it's the democrats, will always get someone to come forward.

It's also interesting to me, that apparently the state of MD has no statute of limitations on such a crime. If that's true (that's what I'm hearing), why isn't Ford asking the MD police to investigate, why is she limiting her storytelling to the political arena?

Then as far as Senate Democrats go, none of them is saying Keith Ellison must resign, so that shows you how sincere they are.

As for Fitgerald, the second accuser...the New York Times refused to run the story, because they didn't believe it. Case closed.
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