Thread: Barr testimony
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Old 05-09-2019, 10:52 AM   #98
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Keep ignoring how words are traditionally used in the English language... but we all know how often you see everything as the same .. would you consider a murder the same as someone convicted of manslaughter the end result is the same .. .. but your all about easy
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Lots and lots of people, before Trump became part of it, used "spying" and "surveillance" synonymously. And now we know that the Mirriam Webster dictionary defines they in a similar way. But on order to make Trump look like a liar, you are willing to ignore all that.

When I read my 12 year-old's text messages to make sure he's safe, am I spying on him? HELL YES. When I follow my 9 year-old as he walks to his friends house so I can make sure he stays on the sidewalk, am I spying on him? HELL YES.

You are denying the Webster definition of a word, in order to make Trump look like a liar. That's literally what you're doing.


"would you consider a murder the same as someone convicted of manslaughter the end result is the same "

The end result isn't even close to the same. Murder is far more serious.

But if Trump said "someone murdered so-and-so", but the killer was actually convicted of manslaughter and not murder, does that make Trump a liar? You would say yes. A sane person would say no.

Take off the tin foil hat for Christs sake, and breathe some fresh air.

I understand clearly, the distinction between murder and manslaughter. I have no idea what the difference is, between secret surveillance and spying.

Orange Man Bad, that's what matters.
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