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Old 07-24-2020, 02:46 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The way he gets around it is other people not doing their job, they failed in January.

Sounds like our typical incompetent and, or, corrupt American politics. Can't think of too many administrations or congresses (maybe Coolidge admin.) in the past 150 years or so that didn't mix in some monkey business or didn't get around some rule or other. That's not to excuse it, just find it hard to get worked up enough about it to vote for the other side who'll do likewise.

An innocent man doesn’t hide his tax returns.

Trump's returns are not hidden. They are in the hands of the IRS which has found nothing wrong with them. I'm not interested in publicizing my returns. Don't know anybody who is. I think a lot of innocent men would not want to publicize their returns, especially not want some enemy to pore over them. If the IRS found nothing wrong with them, then I can't conceive of anything in them that would make me want to put Progressives in control of this country.

A successful man doesn’t lie about his crowd size.

The inauguration crowd? That's debatable. There are several videos made by those who wanted to attend of hundreds who were turned away. And the internet viewers were reported by some to be record numbers.

And there have been attempts by media and anti-Trumpers to severely downplay the numbers of his rallies in the past So there have either been errors or lies about the size of those crowds. And, they have mostly been larger than typical Biden or Hillary crowds.

An honest man doesn’t cheat to win an election.

An honest man doesn't accuse someone of cheating if he can't prove it.

Everything Tweety accuses Biden of doing, he does himself, only worse. So when Tweety World tried to shop the idea that Biden was creepy with women, all it really did was remind people that Tweety has more than two dozen sexual assault allegations on his rap sheet. There is a current court case looking for a DNA sample for the alleged rape of E. Jean Carrol but Tweety claims he doesn't have the time. Be pretty easy to do one when he's having his daily Covid test.

So is this supposed to be a contest of who is worse?
Well, for me, it is not who is worse, but what is worse. The Progressive transformation of this country into a regulatory state instead of a constitutional republic is worse.

When Tweety World pushed the idea that Hunter Biden was somehow corrupt, you couldn’t help but think about Javanka and DJTJ and all the ways Tweety's family has been siphoning cash out of any place they can.

Actually I could help to not think about it. Actually, before Covid, the country was doing far better than it had been before Trump. Getting back to that would be more important than the supposed Trump family siphoning. And it would especially be what I want as opposed to the Progressive takeover of this country.

Tweety World tried painting Joe as doddering and old at the same time that Tweety was rambling through daily press conferences and struggling to walk down a ramp. Then for his encore performance Tweety did his person woman man camera tv routine.

This is the kind of stuff that makes some difference to you?

A federal judge on Thursday ordered the release from prison of Tweety’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen by Friday afternoon.
The judge found that Cohen was sent back to prison in retaliation for not agreeing not to publish a book about Tweety while on furlough from prison. There will be more of that story emerging.

Oh, no doubt, there will be more and more stories emerging. And, no doubt, you will gleefully tell us about them.

I can think of four times when Tweety has publicly extended his best wishes to people charged with federal crimes by DOJ: Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort — and now Ghislaine Maxwell.

Oh . . . the horror.

So now, Tweety is no longer the outsider promising to blow things up and got elected because what did you have to lose?
Well, he’s the guy in charge and he blew everything up. Promises made, promises kept!

I was quite happy with what Trump was doing before Covid. The whole world has been economically devastated since then.
Only thing worse than that is a Progressive takeover of America.

Now his problem is that Americans can see exactly how much they’ve lost and are very aware of how much they still could lose.

And it’s a lot.
Yes, we can lose our Republic with our unalienable rights if we place the Progressives in total power. And to do that just in order to get rid of Trump is a real sick form of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
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