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Old 02-12-2012, 10:49 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by basswipe View Post
You missed the whole point of my second post.It has nothing to do with his views on heavy metal.And if an article or speech about a candidate regardless of whether its satire or not doesn't inspire you to find out more that's a shame.

The article DID inspire me to find out more. I certainly wanted, first of all, to find out if Santorum actually said the outrageous things that he was cited as saying. How could such verbiage have escaped the nightly news, especially the left leaning analysts who don't escape an opportunity to debunk "conservatives? So when I googled it, I found the ONLY source was the article itself. And reading the comments to it in the various google entries pointed out that it was satire and no verification that he said anything remotely like the article "satirized" told me all that I needed to drop the matter. AND MOST OF THE COMMENTS ACTUALLY BELIEVED THE ARTICLE WAS TRUE. By the way, your brief initial comment when you posted the article sounded like you believed it as well, not that you took it as satire. And when "satire" creates believers it becomes more hoax than satire.

It has nothing to do with being offended,you still don't get the point.His views on current culture in America is a direct reflection of his actual philosophy and politics and if those views are being exposed in a satirical article so be it.The article got me to actually do some research and find out about this guy.

As Justplugit says, tell us what you found out in actual research. If there is something actual there, THAT would be the thing which could show Santorum to be unworthy of the nomination, not inuendo or hoax.

That's what the 1st lady( or 2nd lady)is for.Tipper got warning labels put on records and video games.The congressional debates costs the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars and in the end the guy holding the pen that signed it into law was the president.What came out of it all...nothing,kids were still listening "bad" music and playing Grand Theft Auto.

Knowledge is power.
The office of President has the power of the bullypulpit. He can try to persuade or influence. But, at least constitutionally (the way it was written), he cannot legislate. If you think that Santorum is stupid enough to waste time on trying to influence Congress to pass laws to suppress heavymetal music, then you really do think he is stupid. Before a President would waste any political capital on something like the Tipper thing, or the Michelle healthy eating thing, there usually has to be a general feeling in the public for it. Neither have I seen this big push to reform heavy metal from the public, nor from Santorum. If he has spoken about what he believes are some effects from this type of music, that is a far cry from personal opinion to Federal legislation. This just sounds like what Spence refers to as high quality dirt.

On the other hand, when modern Presidents act "progressively" by unconstitutionally legislating through regulatory agencies, as Obama does via EPA regulation, that is another matter. What is encouraging about Santorum, is his professing to revert to Constitutional governance.

Last edited by detbuch; 02-12-2012 at 10:59 AM..
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