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Old 03-27-2015, 10:45 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It sure fits the narrative doesn't it, Obama sending operatives to undermine the election because he (queue dark music) HATES NETANYAHU - - - - MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

Imagine if Jeb called on the right to mobilize because the blacks were being bussed into the polls.

Your evil phony laugh fits your narrative. But it doesn't negate my contention that Netanyahu was politicking as Americans do. As in Democrat get out the vote narrations such as Republican wars on women, science, the poor, education, and so on, in order to scare their base to vote. And the focus to specifically get out the black voters by scaring them with inflammatory rhetoric, either by politicians, or their proxy NAACP droids who warn of white Republican racism, and attempts to return to Jim Crowe voting laws. And colorful but inflammatory remarks like Biden's back to chains remark. The Personal destruction/demonization ,such as painting Romney as cruel to his dog or being a teenage bully, goes on in both parties. It is a mark of American politics, which Obama is not averse to. And it makes him at least a hypocrite in accusing Netanyahu of it. And Netanyahu wasn't accusing the Arab voters of anything other than coming out to vote in droves, and "scaring" his own base to do likewise.

It's not a pissy threat, it's a real threat. For those 40 years the US has used the veto to protect Israel, sometimes more for their interest than ours. I

Good, and scary, to know that his threat is real. But that does not make it any less pissy.

It's important because Bibi was elected largely by gathering right wing votes and now those parties will look for actions that only exacerbate tension in the area.
This is a strange comment. So, only the "left wing" will erase tensions in the area? How have elections been gathered in the past 40 years? Have there been no tensions when left wingers were elected? Oh, that's right, the left wing kept giving away land . . . but, somehow, the tensions always remained and the left wing giveaways never satisfied the Palestinians. It seemed that the more they got, the more they wanted. And it never seemed to wash out from the Palestinian rhetoric the desire for the elimination of Israel.

The 40 years have been full of wars and never ending attacks even with multiple cease fires. I don't know how the Israeli right wingers are going to exacerbate this never ending tension--maybe a final war to end it? The "tension in the area" as you put it, does seem to be going in that direction. And that direction is not being guided by Israel or its right wingers, but by the Arabs and Muslim factions all on their own. And the average Palestinian would, at least in Western terms, be much safer and healthier in an Israeli state than in the aftermath of a regional conflagration in which Israel no longer existed. Of course, the Palestinians, or Muslims in general, don't operate through Western perspective. They have their own views and desires none of which really have room for Israelis. And we're supposed to believe that Netanyahu is a racist right winger who wants to oppress, or maybe get rid of Palestinians.
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