Thread: How come...
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Old 06-10-2016, 10:57 AM   #56
Jim in CT
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"He isn't (a member of La Raza)."
Well pardon me if I don't take your brainwashed word for it. It may well be that he was never a member. Again, the former US Attorney General, who also happens to be of Mexican heritage, thought Trump might have had a legitimate beef. Perhaps he knows almost as much about this, as someone who never questions anything a liberal says or does.

"From what I've read so far the Trump U thing was a total scam"

I'm sure you are reading balanced sources. I fit was a scam, he should be held accountable. How about that controversial for-profit "school" that benefitted the Clintons so much? Bill made a fortune from that school, and the CEO made donations to the Clinton foundation, and around and around we go...You probably read that school is awesome.

"That's not what she said. Perhaps you should read your own link"

You really are hopeless, aren't you. She said that by virtue of being a Latina and a woman, she would be ethnically and sexually predisposed to render superior legal opinions, than a white man.

How about one god damn time, instead of lobbing a vague insult and scurrying off with your tail between your legs, you tell me exactly the difference between what she said, and what I claimed she said.
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