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Old 10-07-2019, 01:33 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 384
My Letter to the ASMFC

I attended the Open Comment meeting at the Mass Maritime Academy last Thursday, October 3rd.

I am in favor of the Proposal for Massachusetts: An 18 per cent reduction in catch effort (F) reduction for both the MA Recreational and the Commercial categories. For the ASMFC, MA Division, to propose or implement any different will just increase the animosity between these two user groups, both of whom seek a significant sized, or "trophy" striped bass.

Only in the Recreational Sector is the biomass a potential reusable resource, with the rather massive 90 plus percentage C&R, by your statistics. Yes I understand the 9 percent release mortality impact. The Commercial Sector thrives only for kill. The Commercial sector has a dis proportionally larger contribution to catch effort (F), with their own culling, high grading, and increased effort driven by by profit. Individually, the Commercial License harvester is far more skilled and effective in harvest than the average Recreational fisherman.

The Commercial harvest and sale of striped bass is a much larger driver of catch effort (F), than your statistics indicate, for the significant decline of the quality and quantity of this fishery.

I wish to call to your attention to the Florida Snook Fishery and the regulations presently in place which have been so successful in salvaging this resource: There is a Closed Season (during the early summer) when the fish are spawning. When the season is Open, you can only kill a snook withing a very small Slot Limit of 28-32 inches. IF: a fisherman wishes to legally kill a snook within the Open Season, and within the Slot Limit, this fisherman must also be in possession of a special, purchased Snook Stamp. Finally, snook are a Game Fish; therefore, commercial sale of the species is unlawful under any circumstance.

These are your tools for decreasing catch effort (F): Closed Season, Size Limits, Daily Bag Limits, Slot Limits, Special Licensing, No Commercial Sale; and finally, Enforcement. I know I do not need to tell you how to do your job. What I am asking of you is to DO YOUR JOB.

I am 70 years old. Yes, recover this striped bass fishery; BUT ALSO PRESERVE IMMEDIATELY WHAT IS LEFT. I will not be alive for regulations to grow me another 40 pound beach bass from scratch.

Alan E. Cordts, M.D.
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