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Old 09-05-2012, 09:20 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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CT gov Malloy at convention

Let's talk about the state of Connecticut...

- some of the highest tax rates in the nation
- applied to some of the highest incomes in the nation

When you apply high tax rates to high incomes, that means you have an awful lot of tax revenue.

Add to that, hundreds of mikllions of dollars from the casinos.

Conclusion...the state has no shortage of cash. we gave them a ton of cash.

Somehow, the state of CT still has the highest debt-per-citizen in the nation...our debt is 35% HIGHER than the 49th-worst state. All that revenue, and they still overspent by 35% more than any other state.

Barron's recently graded CT state bonds as the most likely state bonds to default.

CT has a shrinking population.

CT has an astronomical cost of living.

CT has large cities that are abject failures.

CT recently broke ground on a nine mile busway to Hartford. The cost of paving 9 miles of road? $550 million.

Why does any of this matter? Because our governor is speaking at the democratic National Convention.

Is he there to pass the hat on our behalf?
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