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Old 11-09-2012, 11:06 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
I suppose its compelling if you're INSANE.

They want birth control covered in their INSURANCE COVERAGE. They're not forcing them to give out birth control which you would like to make it out as. Stop lying.
"They want birth control covered in their INSURANCE COVERAGE"

Originally, Obama wanted to Churches to pay for it directly. When that was met with uproar, he said the insurance companies would pay for it.

Now, maybe you can tell me the difference? Because who gives the insurance companies the money to pay for the products it dispenses? The church.

Likwid, all Obama is doing, is creating a middle man (the insurer) in the transaction. Obama is tlling the church "catholics, you give your money to the insurance company, and then the insurance company will use your money to buy contraceptives to give to you remployees".

You'd realize this, if you weren't IGNORANT (caps inserted for same emphasis you used to call me insane)

Likwid, our debt is $16 trillion, and is expected to be over $20 trillion by the time Obama is out. In addition, we owe at least another $40 trillion to fund SS and Medicare for the Baby Boomers.

That is fact. Not opinion, but hard, irrefutable fact. Now, if that doesn't worry you, that means one of two things...either you don't understand 3rd grade math, or you genuinely have no concern whatsoever for future generations wo will get crushed by that debt. There is no third option, so how about telling me which it is.
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