Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:20 PM   #80
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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MMMMMM I wonder what type of degree G Washington had or Lincoln or good old Andy Jackson... We seem to forget that this is supposed to be a democracy, If your a citizen of the United States of America you have the right to run for and hold political office and in some states that's even with a criminal record.Get off your high horses. Some of the stupidest an most narrow minded people out there have so many DEGREE'S and look so good on paper you'd think they could walk on water.On paper don't mean didly when it comes to being a boss and having integrity.You need the back bone to stand up and represent your country not an idioligy or idea.We've lacked that for a while as everyone seems more worried with the world economy instead of ours.Just some input . Ron
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