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Old 10-17-2010, 12:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
From God's perspective or from the individuals perspective?

If, as you say, most people are spiritual to some degree (which is why I assumed that you see spirituality--as you see most everything--as existing on a spectrum--that spectrum being degrees of spirituality)then where do "God" and "individuals" exist on this spectrum? Is the spectrum larger than God? Does God know everything, or does God merely have a "perspective" that differentiates from the individual's "perspective," these both existing on a spectrum of perspectives?

I think for most people, spirituality is a guide for an imperfect person, not an absolute.

Ah, again the "imperfect person" (which is either a redundancy--all persons being imperfect by nature--or an implication that perfect persons exist. But, then, perfection is an absolute). If spirituality is a guide for the imperfect, is it a sort of an aid to pseudo-perfection--a sort of manufactured perfection?

To say that some measure their spirituality based on the political need of the moment is probably quite true, but also would be applicable to all parties.

But if spirituality exists on a spectrum and is not absolute, how can it be a guide? which portion of the spiritual spectrum is chosen? Do all portions give equal or good results? Ah . . . right . . . the centrist, mainstream portion (if you can determine what that is), the clean spirits.

In this example though I'm not sure this is appropriate.

Oh, so she doesn't feel imperfect, nor needs the spiritual guide.

MO's not pushing religious views on others or using religion to divide, it's just a simple rally as is God Bless America.

I see--she's just throwing out some spiritual sounding babble that no-one need take seriously--that she welcomes the prayers which keep the spirits clean around her and O but, not to be divisive, atheists needn't worry that religion or spirituality might creep into her husband's policies.


Yo Yo.

And why it's a good thing that most Americans are somewhat conservative. The idea that there's value in the time tested beliefs of the collective people keeps us from changing too fast...hence to "conserve".

Which time tested beliefs of the somewhat conservative collective people are Obama and the Dems conserving?

The true center of our political spectrum has been the original Constitution which was created by the imperfect but wise enough founders who, no doubt, called on the clean spirits to help them write the simplest document based on human nature, which would assure optimal individual feedom within the bounds of that nature. If, as Obama has stated he wishes to do, that foundation is changed from a prohibition against what government can do to the "people" to a command of what it must do for them, human nature will follow the path of least resistance, and a country driven by the natural urge to struggle to be free and strong to survive will be replaced by the natural urge to find comfort in the easiest way of receiving it with the least effort--dependence. Of course, when Atlas shrugs, the unnatural house of cards will tumble.

Then again, times do still change...

So far, human nature has not changed.

Last edited by detbuch; 10-17-2010 at 12:29 AM..
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