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Old 09-21-2018, 11:11 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Ford's demands are out

Dr Ford's attorneys have submitted their list of demands to the Senate, demands that must be met if she agrees to testify. Some are absolutely reasonable (there must be adequate security).

Some are laughable, absurd, asinine. Ford says that Kavanaugh must testify first. Then she will testify.

In other words, Ford is demanding that Kavanaugh NOT BE ALLOWED to respond, under oath, to the specifics of her allegation. She is demanding that Kavanaugh not be allowed to confront his accuser, not even to confront her accusation. She expects him to testify, without knowing the details of her accusation. How do you defend yourself against an accusation, without knowing the specifics of what you've been accused of?

Are these people insane?

Earth to Professor Ford, you aren't the one who dictates these protocals. They probably made the list asinine enough to ensure that the Senate refuses, then they can go on the attack, saying that the Judiciary committee didn't care enough about Dr Ford to agree to her simple demands.

Another demand, that she and Kavanaugh each only be allowed to speak for the same exact amount of time? How does that make any sense?
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