Thread: antifa
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Old 05-16-2021, 06:59 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Antifa, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, CAIR, none of these strike me as groups interested in a free, safe and prosperous America for all Americans.

For sure, CAIR doesn't strike me as being interested in a free safe and prosperous America for all Americans. As for the other three groups, I don't know how their members view America and "all" Americans.

Antifa seems to have a hate for America and for many, if not most, Americans. Antifa types seem to view this country as being in need of a major cleansing and reconstruction on Marxist lines, which would also influence their view on "prosperity".

Proud Boys seem to have a love for this country. They believe in the supremacy of Western Civilization, the Constitution, individual freedom, are multi racial, are not discriminatory on race or sexual preference. They disavow Nazis and racists. They are traditional in their view of women, honoring the housewife and viewing women as the creators of life, shaping it as well as the communities in which we live--so, relegating women to those traditional roles, they are considered to be sexist and demeaning of women, denying their equal status in all areas of public and market interaction. They honor entrepreneurs as one of the foundations in creating prosperity. How they live up to their entire code may be arguable. I am not in favor of their desire to engage in brawls against those who oppose what they believe in. Nor do I care for creating a group outside of the mainstream of society in order to illegally engage in street fights against leftist, Marxist groups.

I don't know much about Oath Keepers, nor care to find out.
They seem to primarily be about an oath to the Constitution.
Not sure if their tactics would be Constitutional.

Try Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf
I don't watch YouTube golf for entertainment. For me, golf must be played to enjoy. I would probably enjoy attending an actual tournament, at least for a while. Probably would not care to walk around for hours to see basically the same thing over and over but by different players.

But I do love the game. Love playing the game. And I do watch various instructional YouTube videos. You can learn a lot from them. Probably the only better instruction would be one of those expensive and intensive personal training sessions with a top flight golf guru on the whole, A to Z, of the golf swing, including a round with the master.

Did watch a few Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf videos. But I was mostly interested in learning rather than being entertained.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-16-2021 at 07:06 PM..
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