Thread: Fake news
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Old 12-07-2016, 11:44 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
word of the day...week, year...for the disgruntled liberati .."Fake News"

funny that the left is so consumed with the importance facts, literal meanings for words and phrases and the quality of the news after the Clinton years through the Bush years and now the Obama years where wordsmithing has become a celebrated art form for the left, meanings are what you chose to make them depending on your necessity the time, the only absolute is that there are no absolutes, you can say one thing one day and mean something completely different the next and lying is a compassionate and fun way to deal with those that you dislike and perfectly acceptable because it is part of the human condition...."everybody does it"
Because some are trapped in the bubble of fake language invented by leftist thought and "news," it is hard for them to accept what you say here as genuine. Emotionally, they probably "feel" that what you say is "fake."

We are constantly bombarded with slanted "news" about how black lives matter, how "conservatives" are basically racist, homophobic, sexist, islamophobic, full of hate, and on and on. And yes, these "news" (or memes) are repeated by Democrat politicians and their staff, including President Obama's staff, even by Obama himself. Hillary based her campaign on such fake language.

Does that make it right if Trump's potential staff "shares" so-called fake news? Obviously not. But if it is not part of their campaign rhetoric, or political face to, and "shared with," the public, should it "disqualify" them. If so, the whole Democrat administration should be disqualified. I'd be willing to go along with that trade-off.

Some are a little too prone to fake outrage.
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