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Old 07-15-2021, 09:40 AM   #82
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In the above post #79 in which I provided the context for the Trump quote re how he would portray a straw poll, I assumed the context would make it plain that he wasn't talking about all straw polls in general. That may not have made clear that he was referring to a straw poll that was going to be taken by the CPAC convention he was attending when he said " And by the way, you have a poll coming out". He knew that results of the poll would be heavily in his favor. So if the media had a straw poll whose results looked bad for him he'd say it was fake, and if it was an honest poll and the results were good for him he'd say it was the most accurate ever (done by the media). Typical Trump sarcasm toward the medias constant negative reporting about him.

Sure enough, the results of the CPAC straw poll, as he knew they would were strongly in his favor. 70% said they would vote for him in a primary against the other Republican named candidates.
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