Thread: Texas Shooting
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Old 05-22-2018, 03:59 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Individual schools need a security assessment - what works for one (less entrances for example) may not work for others.

Less entrances brings up its own set of problems.

We do need some kind of Gun Violence Red Flag system that will pass Constitutional rules on individuals - including a process that restores rights when unproperly applied.

We may need better laws on safe storage.

All these things can help but if bot sides can't work together we are not going to have any solutions. The Ban Gun folks are only willing to confiscate, for many there is no compromise. The pro 2A folks (of which I support) are very hesitant to move on some issues when the Ban Guns people are going to again increase pressure when and if anything is done.

We already see the Ban / Confiscate people run with slogans and denigrate others that do not toe their party line and fully advocate for up to and including a complete ban.

Yep - those are the people I am going to compromise with /sarc
"Less entrances brings up its own set of problems."

Every proposed solution, will create a new set of issues to tackle. Maybe those problems are preferable to the problem of putting tiny caskets in the ground.

"The Ban Gun folks are only willing to confiscate, for many there is no compromise. The pro 2A folks (of which I support) are very hesitant to move on some issues when the Ban Guns people are going to again increase pressure when and if anything is done. "

Many on the left are fixated on solving this with gun restrictions, and common sense suggests that of all proposed solutions, gun solutions aren't going to reduce the body count as much as other solutions. But the folks who believe that the 2A is absolute aren't bending either. The pro 2A folks are going to have to throw everyone else a bone to get something done, and bump stocks and high capacity magazines are a likely offering. We can argue all day long about all the ways to kill people without bump stocks and high capacity magazines, but how do we look at our kids if we do nothing? How?
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