Thread: Latest Protests
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Old 09-23-2016, 03:10 PM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
I think that there is a widespread confusion about what "liberal" means. Most people attribute concepts such as liberty, tolerance, equality, and such good things to what is called modern political liberalism. Actually, it is not liberal in those ways. Those good things are restricted by "liberal" government's regulations. And, probably, necessarily so.

To be truly liberal in the fullest sense would verge on anarchy. If one is truly flexible, tolerant, accepting of all things, one would have no stable foundation for a process of living. Certainly, such a thing as liberal government would be a contradiction. Liberalism can function only in smaller more personal doses. Society at large needs some method of cooperation to exist.

The present method of political liberalism is not liberal in its application. As it is applied, it is very authoritarian. It is somewhat liberal in its approach. It doesn't adhere to any foundational principles. It legislates and adjudicates at will and fancy--by various personal notions of good and justice and so-called equality. However, if there is any observable direction of modern political liberalism, it is toward an authoritarian state which is forming through a process of destruction of the constitutional order by a series of "crises" that is herded by "liberal" helpers and by temporary "fixes," legislative and judicial, which head us into a sort of benevolent dictatorship.

I don't think you hate actual liberalism. Try the word Progressivism. That has a more distinct meaning.
"Most people attribute concepts such as liberty, tolerance, equality, and such good things to what is called modern political liberalism"

That's how people who call themselves liberal, describe liberalism. The convenient thing about describing your beliefs that way, is that it allows you to describe everyone who disagrees with you, as being opposed to those good things, and thus the other side is naturally inferior.

"Culture, for a "liberal," is flexible, fluid, and constantly changing"

Oh, it's changing all right, it gets nuttier and nuttier all the time. 5 years ago, if I told you that it would be controversial to say "if you have a wee wee, I think you should use the men's room", you would have laughed it me. But thanks to "progress", here we are. Yippee.

"you should know by now that "liberals" have a different notion of economics than you probably have"

Oh, I agree. I look at the economic situation that blacks are enduring, and my heart breaks. When liberals (progressives) look at that, they say "see, our economic plan works". I will go to my grave wondering if that is working as they intended - are progressives that sinister? Or are they that oblivious as to what is happening?

"So the temporary malfunctions which you call a "downfall" in so-called minority communities is a prerequisite to the coming change"

How long does the collapse have to last, before we can say it's not temporary?

"I don't think you hate actual liberalism. Try the word Progressivism. That has a more distinct meaning"

Agreed. I just don't bother to make those distinctions.

"the fruits of your abilities should equally be enjoyed by all. And you, personally, in return will gain not only the appreciation of society"

Yes, and as we all know, Progressives are just falling all over themselves to appreciate those who have achieved success. Progressives aren't trying to divide us along these lines by calling them the "one percenters", and claiming that they "don't pay their fair share", heavens no.
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